Insurance Certificates

 QP.IP.03 Industrial Special Risk Certificate of Currency 

 QP.IP.01 Certificate of Currency - Commercial Motor Fleet

 QP.IP.09 Certificate of Currency - Public Liability


New survey forms are being generated. Property to supply these to you directly in the coming weeks. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

 QPP.IP.06 Property Manual

QF.IP.02 Licence To Occupy
A Legal agreement to allow a Licensee with Public Liability insurance to use Guiding facilities for a specified period of time. For more information email Property.

QF.IP.04 Licence To Occupy - One Off Event
A Legal agreement to allow a Licensee with Public Liability insurance to use Guiding facilities for a ONE OFF EVENT. For more information email Property.

QF.IP.08 Facility Hire Licence Agreement
A short term agreement to be used between Girl Guides Queensland and a group or individual who do not have Public Liability insurance. For more information email Property.

 QF.IP.03 Hut Insurance & Environmental Impact Fund Application

 QPP.IP.02 Property Asset Management Strategy

 QPP.IP.03 Property Policy