Four elements            

The Australian Guide Program

The Australian Guide Program is a non-formal educational program based on shared leadership and decision-making at all ages.

There are four main elements in the Australian Guide Program: physical, people, practical, and self. The program includes a variety of fun activities that focus on self-development in the areas of practical skills, physical development and relationships with people, appropriate to age and interests. Guides of all ages are involved in decision-making, planning, implementing and evaluating their activities. Within her Unit, the Guide will be a member of a Patrol (4-8 girls), where experiences are shared. Guiding is about being part of a team. Leadership development begins with the youngest Guides and develops as the girls mature.

The program is based around the seven fundamental concepts of Baden-Powell’s philosophy: Promise and Law, Outdoors, World Guiding, Guiding Traditions, Leadership Skills, Patrol System.

The five step planning process used in the Australian Guide Program is: Discover, Decide, Plan, Do and Check.

A Guide will set herself challenges to carry out to the best of her ability. There are badges and awards to be gained, however earning badges is only a small part of being a Guide. The girls will participate in many activities that they will enjoy and learn from. Their reward will be a great sense of achievement.

The activities could be outdoor adventures such as canoeing, archery, abseiling, camping, skiing, hiking overnight, cooking damper over a fire or just sitting around a campfire singing, chatting and sharing a joke. There are other times, though, when the girls prefer indoor activities such as trying a special recipe, having a go at making something, being creative in the visual or dramatic arts, working as a team to plan your next adventure, finding out about other cultures and religions or learning skills through games. No two meetings are ever the same.


Learn more about the Australian Guide Program here


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Promise and Law

A Girl Guide makes a promise to do her best to be the best person she can be. The Promise is about yourself, personal development, your own journey and developing your value system. It is about what you do for others - the commitment to help others and a responsibility to our country. 

A Girl Guide makes her Promise at a special Unit ceremony where she receives her Promise Badge to be worn on her uniform. 
The Guide Law gives Guides guidance and a code to live by as they strive to put their Promise into action. The Promise and Law underpin everything we do as Girl Guide's: no matter what activity or challenge. It will enable them to grow into confident, self-respecting, responsible community members.

Promise posterLaw poster